Second Phase Lineup Coming April 1st
Yes, we know the first of next month is April Fool’s Day, but there aren’t any jokes here — this coming Wednesday, we’ll be dropping the next huge lineup announcement for Secret Solstice 2015. No jokes, no lies. Only more names to be added…
Although we gave you a taste of our new lineup when we announced Skream last night, that was only a small taste. On April 1st, we’re going to be releasing our biggest names yet for the next Midnight Sun music festival with our second phase lineup, including some hip-hop legends, the current queen of edgy alternative pop, and a host of others. We can’t wait for this one, and we know a lot of you have been salivating in anticipation.
Oh yeah, and remember…
The 31st of March (the day before the lineup announcement) will be your LAST DAY to get a ticket at 17,900kr. If you wait until the day of the new lineup announcement, you’ll be paying 19,900kr for your 3-day festival pass. So don’t delay, and get your full Secret Solstice 2015 festival pass right now for only 17,900kr, and go to sleep happy tonight knowing you’ve saved an extra 2,000kr for some hotdogs or burgers at Secret Solstice 2015.
Lastly, hype yourself up for Secret Solstice 2015 with our new experience video. Can’t wait to see you in June…
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