WOW Air Package Deals for Secret Solstice 2015 on Sale NOW
We love our airline partner WOW Air more than a mamma lioness loves her cubs. Mostly, because they’re responsible for flying so many of you to our event every year, and we get to see you having the time of your lives here in the Midnight Sun.
This year WOW Air have gone all out with their ticket-and-travel package deals (especially for those of you flying from the UK), with flights and a full 3-day festival pass coming in at as little as £217 pounds if you purchase now. There’s also the option of adding in transfers and accommodation as well, and you can save a huge chunk of change if you book your entire holiday this way. Alternatively, you can always book your accommodation on your own, or purchase one of our limited camping sites here for only 9,000 ISK.
At present package deals are only available flying return to Iceland from London’s Gatwick airport, however we will be announcing more nations (including the USA) sometime over the next few weeks.
Package deals at these prices won’t last, and will go up in price the closer we get to the event. So either book your package deal from the UK right now, reserve your camping spot on the Secret Solstice 2015 site, or just grab a standard or VIP ticket if you’re wanting to do things on your own.
We can’t wait to see you at Secret Solstice 2015.
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